International School in Singapore - Video giới thiệu tại Việt Nam

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Our students share their stories of how their education at Stamford American International School has supported and built them up to be more than they thought they could be.

Stamford American International School is the first and only school in Singapore to offer students aged 18 months to 18 years the opportunity to pursue the International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma or Advanced Placement (AP) International Diploma on top of graduating with a US accredited Stamford High School Diploma. As a multicultural, global community of over 70 nationalities, we are intent on helping each student succeed in their ambition with a personalized approach in a caring, supportive and inclusive academic environment.


To provide the best American education in #Singapore SAIS offers a curriculum designed around the needs of our youngest learners. Inspired by the Reggio Emilia philosophy, the Early Learning Village is built on the simple truth that the environment nurtures the child. The Village is a first-of-its kind in early childhood education for young learners age 2 months to 6 years (Infant care to Kindergarten 2).

International School in Singapore - Video giới thiệu tại Việt Nam
International School in Singapore

The Village is designed as an environment for safe, experiential learning that facilitates healthy development among toddlers. Children receive plenty of opportunities for growth and learning in a secure, comfortable space under the supervision of our experienced Early Childhood carers and educators.

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